
Ken Costume (Female Version) from Tokyo Ghoul


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03-13 18:29 Samantha D
Is it possible to get the skirt made a little longer? Its hard to tell how long the skirt goes but Id like it to cover the butt and im not sure it does xD
03-13 20:30 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Samantha D, please submit ticket (with your order number & request) to our Support Center and let us follow up your order request directly.  n_n
01-09 13:07 Emily
Hello, I was just wondering if there are any actual pictures of the product, as I can only see an illustration - it may be because I'm on the mobile version.
01-09 19:03 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Emily, this is our commission series(no actual product yet, but provided with cartoon images only), and we will update the actual product photos as soon as possible.  

If you order it, we will send you the actual product photos before ship it to you, and our tailor will adjust it if you don't satisfy with it, so please don't worry about this.  n_n